Sunday, December 8, 2013

Elephant in the Room or The Plank in Our Own Eye

The Elephant in the Room
Banksy: elephant in room

The Plank in Our Own Eye

By Barbara Peters © 2013


                And why do you look at the speck in your brother’s eye, but do not consider the plank in your own eye?  Or how can you say to your brother, “Let me remove the speck from your eye”; and look, a plank is in your own eye?  Hypocrite! First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.  Matthew 7:3-5 NKJV

                Speck – A very small thing.  Webster, 1828

                Plank – A broad piece of sawed timber . . . pieces from an inch and a half to three or four inches thick, are called planks.  Webster, 1828

What is the plank in the eye of the Christian church?  What is the speck that we are obsessing over while ignoring the plank?  After decades of God dealing with the plank in my eye, I propose that this plank in my own life is the same as the one the Christian church is ignoring while it erodes the very fabric of Christianity in America.

Polls on relationship practices over the past several years reveal that same-sex attractions are practiced by 2-5% of the population.  While these figures vary depending on the source; the overall estimates are that less than 10% of the population practices, or has ever engaged in some form of a same-sex relationship.  This is small, like a speck.

On the other hand, opposite-sex attractions are presumed by the author to be greater than 50%, perhaps even higher than 85%.  This is large, like a plank.

I propose that the plank in the eye of the Christian church today is the ungodly lifestyle surrounding opposite-sex attractions.  The presence of this lifestyle in every day Christian life has infected the hearts and minds of Christians—whether cultural Christians or Followers of Christ.

Going even further, we as the Body of Christ have not even perceived that there is a plank in our own eye called “ungodly opposite-sex attractions.”  The majority of such relationships have been mainstreamed into Christian culture and sprinkled with acceptance from top to bottom.  The majority of Christians have practiced this form of relationship in order to get to what we see as a Godly relationship called marriage. 

If I dare say to most Christians—whether pastors or everyday parishioners—that the most popular pre-marriage relationship lifestyle called dating has no Biblical grounds, I would be viewed as crazy.

It is far easier for Christians to analyze the components of same-sex attractions more objectively and see all the facets which are ungodly.  For instance, lusting after someone of the same sex is definitely spoken against in Scripture (Romans 1:26-27; Jude 1:7).  Practicing a same-sex love life is definitely spoken against in Scripture.  Marriage to someone of the same sex is definitely inconsistent with Scripture (Genesis 2:24).

But let us now analyze the beam in our own eye from the same perspectives.  Far greater numbers of Christians lust after someone of the opposite sex (Exodus 20:14; Matthew 5:28).  This too is spoken against in Scripture and the remedy given in 2nd Timothy*.  Far greater numbers of Christians practice opposite-sex love lives of varying degrees which is spoken against in Scripture frequently (1Corinthians 6:15-20; 1Corinthians 7:1-3 and 32-34).  Many Christians marry persons of the opposite sex for their own self-centered reasons without any consideration for God’s purposes for their life or the life of their marriage partner (Exodus 25:8, 22; 1Corinthians 3:9, 16-17; 2Corinthians 6:16; Titus 2:13-14)

We have failed to seek God’s perspective on every single angle of this plank.  The Christian church has instead adopted and become infected with the world’s customs and traditions on opposite-sex relationships, and they are draining the supernatural life from us.

This is evident in all the statistics about the demise of the church:  The closing of church doors; the fall of pastors from the pulpit due to opposite-sex attractions to persons other than their spouse; the increasing numbers of Christians who are divorced, and multiply married.  The chaos in the Christian church abounds, and yet we do not perceive our own plank but obsess instead over the speck in our brother’s eye.

Please do not misunderstand what I am saying.  The practice of a same-sex lifestyle at any degree is a life lived in disagreement with God.  But, I am also saying that there is a greater issue that the Christian church has neglected to deal with first, because it is in its own eye – the practice of opposite-sex attractions and its accompanying lifestyles. From most angles, this lifestyle is also in disagreement with God. 

We have chosen loyalty to ourselves (my beliefs, my practices) over surrender to God and His word—even when the two are in opposition.  Many Christians, including myself, practiced the opposite-sex lifestyle of dating.  Instead of acknowledging that we were practicing a lifestyle not in agreement with Scripture, we have sprinkled Holy water over it and condone the ungodly aspects of this relationship to justify ourselves.  Because we won’t allow God to judge our hearts and minds in this area, we surely would not even broach the subject in the Body of Christ for fear of coming face to face with God’s healing and revealing truth on the motivations of our own hearts. 

Please let me encourage you to broach the conversation with God regarding your own heart’s desires.  When I agreed with God that “I was wrong,” He began doing an amazing work in my life.  Please know that God desires to start with each of us in order to free each one of us, thereby freeing the Body of Christ. 

Will we watch ourselves dwindle and die?  Will we continue to watch the effects of unrepentant sin on our lives, and the lives of those around us?  Will we allow God to cleanse our hearts and minds first so we can clearly see how to remove the speck from our brother’s eye?

 I propose that it will not be the speck that kills the Christian church but instead the plank for which we refuse to perceive and seek God’s truth.

In 2 Chronicles 7:14 God’s people are called to do four things—humble ourselves, pray, seek His face, and turn from our wicked ways—before God will heal the land.  Will we surrender to the full remedy or pick and choose our own remedy?  Will we not agree with God about our wicked ways? 

If I am instructed by a master baker on the 4 steps for making a cake, but only choose to apply 2 or 3 of the steps, I will not be able to make the cake desired.  If I as a Follower of Christ am instructed by Jehovah Rapha (God our Healer) what I should do so He will our land and I only apply 2 or 3 of those steps, there will not be the healing desired.

Even if you do not agree with me about the identity of the plank in the eye of the Body of Christ in America, I beg of you to at the very least seek God’s wisdom on what that plank is and surrender to Him first dealing with that in your life so that you can clearly see how to deal with the speck in your brother’s eye.

If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.  2Chronicles 7:14 KJV

Barbara Lynette Peters © 2013


*Do not sharply rebuke an older man, but rather appeal to him as a father, to the young men as brothers, the older women as mothers, and the younger women as sisters, in all purity.  1Timothy 5:1-2 NAS

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